We do not spend 365 days a year deciding should we should wear for Halloween or get to go to a fancy dress deciding what I would go as (Kinda do) !
This is one of our favourite holidays because it is fun for adults and kids alike! And it is an opportunity to try out some mad hairstyles without judgement...
Perhaps you wish to travel to a Galaxy far far away and channel Princess Leia for the night! Pulled together with some side buns plaits and long dress.

The Greene Room - Princess Leia - Halloween 2018
Continuing the Star theme... who needs to settle on a planet when you can be both the Sun & the Moon. Completed with blow dried platinum hair for that iced planet effect.

The Greene Room - Sun & Moon- Halloween 2018
And when all is said and done, who can ever say no to a classic 'Breakfast at Tiffany's look with Audrey's classic upstyle.

The Greene Room - Audrey Hepburn- Halloween 2018
Halloween costumes are not finished off without the hairstyle. Hopefully this will give you some inspiration! Remember the bank holiday is not on the 31st this year, it is the week before!